Gladfield’s Distillers Malt
Base/Distill Malt
Gladfield’s Distillers Malt is a premium malt produced exclusively from distilling barley varieties with the right nitrogen content. The barley has been gently kilned to preserve enzyme content and the resulting malt has both high extract and diastatic power.
Distillers Malt will add malty, sweet flavours to the finished whisky. Distillers Malt is primarily suited to single malt distilling and can be used in conjunction with Gladfield’s Peat Smoked or Manuka Smoked Malts if required.
All Distiller Malt varieties are made from non-glycosidic nitrile barley. Gladfield also make smoked malts – Peat Smoked Malt and Manuka Smoked Malt.
Use: Primarily suited for making single malt whiskies.
Rate: Up to 100%
Shelf life: At least one year when stored properly in dry conditions.
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