Motueka Hops
Aroma HOP
Brings a new world edge to traditional pilsner styles and found internationally in a wide range of styles from lighter lagers to big ales. The weight of oil to alpha integrates it fully with higher gravity types to balance both malt sweetness and body. Extremely versatile in the brewery.
An excellent hop in many applications from first kettle additions through to late gift. This hop offers a unique aroma and flavour profile suitable for producing bigger styles.
Excellent when employed in multiple additions from a single hop bill and sits well on the palate to balance speciality malt sweetness. An excellent variety for a wide range of styles from Saison through to Pilsners.
A triploid aroma type developed by New Zealand’s Plant & Food Research. Motueka Brand 87.14-20 was bred by
Hops are sold in 100g vacuum sealed bags with specific batch details printed on label. Larger volumes are generally available with a discount for larger volume packs.
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