Spiced Belgian Dubbel Pouch Craft Series LE Mangrove Jacks

Spiced Belgian Dubbel Pouch Craft Series LE Mangrove Jacks

$50.60 inc. GST

Rich and complex with a sweet malty aroma

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Spiced Belgian Dubbel Pouch Craft Series LE Mangrove Jacks

Rich and complex with a sweet malty aroma combined with prominent fruity esters and spicy phenolic notes of cinnamon and clove. This Dubbel is well-balanced and moderately dry on the palate with a subtle sweetness. Pours dark brown with an off-white head.


ABV Approx.: 6.3% (based on use with brewing sugar)
Bitterness: 2/5
IBU: 18-24
Colour: Dark Brown
Makes: 15L (3.9 US Gal)
Yeast: M47 Belgian Abbey (20g)
Hops: Celeia (28g)
Extra Fermentables Required: 0.5kg (1.1 lb) Brewing Sugar or Beer Enhancer.

Note: We do not recommend using Pure Liquid Malt Extract with this pouch.


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